Sacadas. 64 possibilities to start with. And there is more...

We will take into account 2 partners (sacadas from Follower to Leader and from Leader to Follower), 2 directions of the giro (to the left or to the right), 2 legs (left and right), 4 types of steps (2 crosses and 2 opens) and 2 directions of the steps (forward or back(the side step is automatically included as we are analyzing open and cross).

2 partners x 2 directions x 2 legs x 4 types of step x 2 directions of the steps = 64 total possibilities.

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Practicing Tango to the mirror - perfect set up for perfectionists

Discovering the necessary control of movement to dance tango makes the correct placement of the feet and legs a key factor. For tango dancers, the mirror is a significant help, as what feels right, does not always look right. Seeing is believing and thus the reflection offers you quick feedback and helps you to implement the correct placement much faster. Assuming you are paying attention, of course.

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Continuously pinging your Follower. Secrets of tango pre-lead

The couple does not really move as a unit. It moves as a union. The leg of one partner has to move a split second before the other partner’s leg can take that very space. That creates another precedence: The leader cannot execute his own movement at the same time as he is leading the Follower’s movement. Because of the delay in communication. Because of the request-approval-execution. Because of the… ping.
START PINGING THE RIGHT WAY. Learn all about the lead directly form Hernan Brizuela:

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Fragmented Learning: Can Tango Be Learned in 15 Minutes a Day?

Our on-demand beginner course is structured using a micro-learning format. Clear, well-structured, and progressive, it gives you all the information and exercises in order so that you can make incremental improvements each time.

During these 28 mini-lessons, you’ll master the tango walk, baldoza, modifications, and much more. Our beginner course is priced at $39 per month and includes a 7-day free trial.

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Six steps? Resolving Tango Algorithm and breaking The Code

To analyze from the Beginner perspective let’s add some conditions that, since you possibly do not know Tango yet, or not from this perspective, you might find it surprising that they need to be stated. But in Tango nothing has one answer, nothing has one side, nothing is white or black and fifty shades of gray is the understatement. So assume nothing, be open to anything.

The good news is – all dances have a box patterns, so once you learn it you can dance any dance. But once you start exploring Tango you really never leave, as only Argentine Tango managed to explore, continue exploring and.. actually, USING all possibilities. One can set the horizon as a destination, but the best part of that trip is the actual journey. Get on.

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Tango in Lockdown: 3 Reasons Why Dance Helps

Has there ever been a time when the world has been so collectively stressed? With a global pandemic, economic worries, and restricted freedoms, there are numerous ways to feel life’s strain at the moment.

At its core, tango is a meditation of movement. It allows the body to fall into a subconscious flow by being deliberate with your movements and body. Feeling this break from reality and getting lost in dance is an incredible way to allow negative thoughts to slip from your mind – even if just for a moment or two.

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Virtual Tuesday #36 (11-17/2020)

On 36th Virtual Tuesday Short Sequences Boleos Series is starting. This is how it works: 2-3 days before the 'live' on zoom class (Tuesdays 7:30pm) the on-demand video is posted so you can study the sequence, do the exercises, listen to all our advices and explanations. If you are enrolled in the most current class you can join the 'live' on zoom class. If you taking previous series- all classes are on-demand - though you can shoot us en email with your questions.

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Virtual Tuesday #35 (11-10/2020)

On 35th Virtual Tuesday we are happy that inclusion, respect, truth and fairness is back on the top of the priorities list! And thus we had added 5th and additional lesson to the Volcaditas series (do not worry the price remains the same!) to address some urgent questions that presented themselves during the course of study (read more below)

November series of Tango Mixology or Tango Fundamentals had started, gaining 2 new couples (HA! So good to see you AND you still know how to dance!). We are not accepting any newcomers for this series, BUT you are welcome to register for December series - December: 6-13-20-27. We normally won’t risk class on 27th assuming that you would be traveling, but… You can always zoom in from wherever you are!

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Virtual Tuesday #34 (11-03/2020)

On 34rd Virtual Tuesday we present you with repetitive forward crosses and back crosses in VOLCADA position - yes the ones you always wanted to know. November series of Tango Mixology or Tango Fundamentals had started, but it is not too late to still join especially that the videos from the classes had already been posted and you can review them before the upcoming class! Check it out:

Last class of Volcaditas this coming Tuesday. But do not fear! The whole 4-classes course is available here: . Remember that all material is reviewed and practiced during Tuesdays Short Sequences.

Wednesday November 4th - starts Beginner ‘live’ zoom course.

Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm).Classy Heels start new series to the song ‘En el Salon’. The only class that still remain free and donation based is Solo Exercises, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #33 (10-27/2020)

On 33rd Virtual Tuesday we present you with side step in VOLCADITA position (well - more than side step…) AND ALSO as the First Virtual Sunday Courses just finished - we are giving you a little insight into what is happening in there. You still have time to find properly-COVID-mannered partner and register for upcoming November series of Tango Mixology or Tango Fundamentals.

Tuesday Volcaditas can be now accesses as an online course, reviewed and and practice during Tuesdays Short Sequences. Wednesday November 4th - starts Beginner ‘live’ zoom course.

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Virtual Tuesday #32 (10-20/2020)

32nd Virtual Tuesday continues with exploration of VOLCADITAS. Continue learning the technique spiced by short sequence example: Entry through 1 & 2 of baldoza in cross system through salida del 40, calecita from back cross transformed into Volcada exit now or continue with Sequence from last week with the most standard volcadita in the world and then exit. Register for Volcaditas and practice during Tuesdays Short Sequences.

Too advanced? - start Beginner course. If you are already dancing AND have a partner - Join November Sunday groups choosing between Tango Mixology and Tango Fundamentals.

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Virtual Tuesday #31 (10-13/2020)

31st Virtual Tuesday enters world of VOLCADITAS. Learn technique to introduce volcaditas to your dance. The first sequence is really short, but you are gaining a lot of understanding so we can float over the next few weeks of the course: entry through 1 & 2 of balodza, system change, the most standard volcadita in the world and exit. Virtual SUNDAY CLASSES had started!!!! BEGINNER COURSES ‘life’ on zoom on Wednesdays! Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded VIMEO video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #30 (10-06/2020)

30th Virtual Tuesday adds (from side step): arrastre to the left (twice) and barrida to the front cross from small volcadita. Just heads up that ext week we are starting Volcaditas series… Virtual SUNDAY CLASSES had started!!!! BEGINNER COURSES ‘life’ on zoom on Wednesdays! Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded VIMEO video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #29 (09-29/2020)

29th Virtual Tuesday adds 3 BARRIDAS and 3 more ARRASTRES. How? Entering from back cross position comes barrida-arrastre-barrida combo to the side step and arastre-barrida-arrastre combo to the front cross, followed by side step and possible repetition into infinite loop. Virtual SUNDAY CLASSES start this coming Sunday - have your partner and you signed up? BEGINNER COURSES ‘life’ on zoom on Wednesdays! Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded VIMEO video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #28 (09-22/2020)

28th Virtual Tuesday continues with BARRIDA EXTRAVAGANZA with entry through baldoza 1&6, block, cross over with fake sacada, side step in unison, back cross into barrida, parada-cross over and second barrida of the back leg as completion of forward cross, unwind, exist to the cross in cross system. Virtual SUNDAY CLASSES are filling up - have your partner and you signed up? BEGINNER COURSES ‘life’ on zoom on Wednesdays! Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded VIMEO video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #27 (09-15/2020)

27th Virtual Tuesday starts series of BARRIDA EXTRAVAGANZA with Entry through baldoza into back ocho, parada on back cross, double barrida Leader to Follower, sandwich and cross over, parada on the front cross into reversed sandwich, rebound/alteration and barrida Follower to Leader, cross over and exit. Update about SUNDAY CLASSES -& BEGINNER COURSES added! Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded VIMEO video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #26 (09-08/2020)

26th Virtual Tuesday with baldoza, system change through Leaders fancy weight change, alteration transitioned into turn to the right with Follower changing system back to parallel, fancy parada through Leader’s rebound, pass over, sacada and that’s it! Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded VIMEO video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #25 (09-01/2020)

25th Virtual Tuesday with crosses problem solving translated into cross system traveling looped from the back crosses in double time (alternating), rebound with alteration to block and pass over, sacada to open step, traveling crosses in parallel system (synchronized), rebound to exit. Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded VIMEO video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #24 (08-25/2020)

24th Virtual Tuesday with review into new combination of weeks 4-5-12 converted into: giro to the left in parallel, giro to the left in cross system, 4 traveling forward crosses, sacada to open step, 2 looped back crosses in cross system, 2 traveling looped back crosses in parallel system, ocho cortado with calecita and leader’s crosses. Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #23 (08-18/2020)

23rd Virtual Tuesday with review into new combination of weeks 9-15-18 converted into: walk in tight circle to the right, corrida, forward boleo, enrosoque - dibujo-lapiz combo for Leader during giro to the left, forward sacada to open step, curved basic to the cross, pique, side step and exit with the double cross behind Follower’s forward steps. Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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