We will take into account 2 partners (sacadas from Follower to Leader and from Leader to Follower), 2 directions of the giro (to the left or to the right), 2 legs (left and right), 4 types of steps (2 crosses and 2 opens) and 2 directions of the steps (forward or back(the side step is automatically included as we are analyzing open and cross).
Discovering the necessary control of movement to dance tango makes the correct placement of the feet and legs a key factor. For tango dancers, the mirror is a significant help, as what feels right, does not always look right. Seeing is believing and thus the reflection offers you quick feedback and helps you to implement the correct placement much faster. Assuming you are paying attention, of course.
Read MoreThe couple does not really move as a unit. It moves as a union. The leg of one partner has to move a split second before the other partner’s leg can take that very space. That creates another precedence: The leader cannot execute his own movement at the same time as he is leading the Follower’s movement. Because of the delay in communication. Because of the request-approval-execution. Because of the… ping.
START PINGING THE RIGHT WAY. Learn all about the lead directly form Hernan Brizuela:
Our on-demand beginner course is structured using a micro-learning format. Clear, well-structured, and progressive, it gives you all the information and exercises in order so that you can make incremental improvements each time.
During these 28 mini-lessons, you’ll master the tango walk, baldoza, modifications, and much more. Our beginner course is priced at $39 per month and includes a 7-day free trial.
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