There is NO FEE neither for watching the pre-recorded videos, nor for participating in ‘live’ classes and we actually encourage you to take BOTH, but we kindly ask you to please donate if your situation is better than ours.
All Short Sequences videos are posted below in order they were created. We sometimes reference to the previous videos so here you have them all in one place. Newest videos are on the top! If you rather WATCH THE VIDEOS DIRECTLY ON YOUTUBE - please Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified when new videos are posted.
To join 45 minutes of Short Sequences through ZOOM simply register. Tuesday 7:30pm. No installation required. Works from your computer, iPad / tablet and phone though obviously the bigger the screen the easier it is too see. Simply register HERE. You will be asked your name and email so we can email you the video afterwards. ZOOM now requires password for all the meetings, so please register ahead so you are not loosing the lesson by trying to get the password.
You can also register through Wellness Living for $10. You can use your credit card on file, keep getting your points etc.
Short Sequence #1: baldoza to outside partner left, sacada to from cross, salad to open step, back ocho-parada, sandwich-cross over, americana with lead over, lapiz during giro to the left, side step and exit.
Short Sequence #3: cross system walk outside partner left curved into basic to the cross and ocho cortado with ochos locos.
Short Sequence #5: medialuna, forward crosses traveling around the circle, sacada, calecita and 2 tight front crosses for the Leader.
Short Sequence #7: ochos into crossed sandwich and cross over Leader’s back leg, back saccada, americana, close.
Short Sequence #13: Unusual double time weight change right to left, back ocho overturned to giro to the left with 2 sacadas, barrida from leader to follower from overturn back cross, sandwich for both and change of fronts starting backwards.
Short Sequence #17: Turning to the left in cross system outside partner left with follower’s adornments, embotada for change of direction, magic turn to the right with specific cadencia on final change of direction.
Short Sequence #19: Baldoza 1-2 into back cross for both, double giro to the right with various sacadas and entradas, salida para atras into change of fronts to regain line of dance.
Short Sequence #21: Amague, giro to the right with sacadas cross to cross, open to open, crossed sandwich and cross over Leader’s back leg, back saccada, americana into wrap, medialuna w quiebre, alteration, parada-sandwich-adornments-cross over, ocho cortado embeded into 4 forward crosses variation interrupted by an exit.
Short Sequence #23: walk in tight circle to the right, corrida, forward boleo, enrosoque - dibujo-lapiz combo for Leader during giro to the left, forward sacada to open step, curved basic to the cross, pique, side step and exit with the double cross behind Follower’s forward steps.
Short Sequence #25: cross system traveling looped from the back crosses in double time (alternating), rebound with alteration to block and pass over, sacada to open step, traveling crosses in parallel system (synchronized), rebound to exit.
Short Sequence #27: Entry through baldoza into back ocho, parada on back cross, double barrida Leader to Follower, sandwich and cross over, parada on the front cross into reversed sandwich, rebound/alteration and barrida Follower to Leader, cross over and exit.
Short Sequence #29: From back cross position comes barrida-arrastre-barrida combo to the side step and arastre-barrida-arrastre combo to the front cross, followed by side step and possible repetition into infinite loop.
Short Sequence #31: entry through 1 & 2 of balodza, system change, the most standard volcadita in the world and exit.
Short Sequence #16: Basic to the cross in cross system transitioned to giro to the left, change of direction through forward sacada by Follower to the Leader and Alteration to continuation of giro to the left.
Short Sequence #18: Basic to the cross in parallel system, multiple enrosques with lapiz and dibujo for the Leader while leading molinete for the Follower. Resolution through sacada to the open step followed by basic to the cross in cross system.
Short Sequence #20: Baldoza 1-2 reversed to double time into Americana and back sacada, wrap, sacada to follower’s back cross, back and forward boleos during calecita to the right, exit through followers forward cross, 2 giros to the left with sacadas and lapiz, parada, sandwich, cross over into Americana, giro to the left and exit through side step.
Short Sequence #22: Weight shift, paseo, boleo-gancho-boleo, alteration, Americana, back sacada, cross system walk outside left, basic to cross in cross system, exit through ocho cortado.
Short Sequence #24: Giro to the left in parallel, giro to the left in cross system, 4 traveling forward crosses, sacada to open step, 2 looped back crosses in cross system, 2 traveling looped back crosses in parallel system, ocho cortado with calecita and leader’s crosses.
Short Sequence #26: Baldoza, system change through Leaders fancy weight change, alteration transitioned into turn to the right with Follower changing system back to parallel, fancy parada through Leader’s rebound, pass over, sacada and that’s it!
Short Sequence #28: Entry through baldoza 1&6, block, cross over with fake sacada, side step in unison, back cross into barrida, parada-cross over and second barrida of the back leg as completion of forward cross, unwind, exist to the cross in cross system.
Short Sequence #30: From side step: arrastre to the left (twice) and barrida to the front cross from small volcadita.
Short Sequences #32: Entry through 1 & 2 of baldoza in cross system through salida del 40, calecita from back cross transformed into Volcada exit now or continue with Sequence from last week with the most standard volcadita in the world and then exit.
1. Make sure you have clothes on.
2. Make sure you have a camera - if we cannot see you - we cannot offer feedback.
3. Clear out some floor space - that's where you will be dancing.
4. Now the most tricky one - where your computer shall be...
If your room is long and you have some distance - you computer shall be on the floor or close to it and couple of feet away from where you will be dancing. Low table is fine. Chair is fine. That's for the 'you dancing part'. For the part when you watching the demo or listening to the instructions or feedback - you need to be able to see the screen - so if the computer is on the floor - get a mat or a pillow in front of it so you can sit while you are watching and listening.
If you are tech savvy and know how to connect your computer to your TV screen - that's an excellent idea.
If you have very little space - you can place the compute higher and point the camera down - we will see you 'from the top down', but we will be able to see 'the whole you'
5. Sound wise...
Hernan came up with quite an excellent system and so we can play the music while you dancing and the sound is only minimally distorted. If at all possible we recommend connected your computer to the speaker so the sound is as close to normal as possible.
If you need any advice - please email us and we will help you. Now we cannot help you while we are teaching the lesson - so please email a day or two before.
Oct. 6th
Sept. 29th
Sept. 22nd
Sept. 15th
Sept 8th
Sept 1st
August 25th
August 18th
August 11th
August 4th
July 28th
July 21st
July 14th
July 7th
June 30th
June 23rd
June 16th
June 9th
June 2nd
May 26th
May 19th
May 12th
May 5th
April 28
April 21
April 14
April 7
March 31
March 24
March 17