Posts in Tips for dancing
Virtual Tuesday #16 (06/30/2020)

Sixteenth Virtual Tuesday with basic to the cross in cross system transitioned to giro to the left, change of direction through forward sacada by Follower to the Leader and Alteration to the continuation of giro to the left. The schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #15 (06/22/2020)

Fifteenth Virtual Tuesday with parallel system 4 walks circle with entradas, followed by caida, corrida and resolution. Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #14 (06/16/2020)

Fourteenth Virtual Tuesday with baldoza 1,6; americana, back sacada, mini calecita, wrap, sacada to the back cross, boleos back and forward while in calecita, resolution. Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #13 (06/09/2020)

Thirteenth Virtual Tuesday with unusual double time weight change right to left, back ocho overturned to giro to the left with 2 sacadas, barrida from leader to follower from overturn back cross, sandwich for both and change of fronts starting backwards. Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #12 (06/02/2020)

Twelfth Virtual Tuesday with molinete in parallel system! sacadas and super interesting unusual parada from Leader back cross plus 2 tight back crosses for Follower. Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #11 (05/26/2020)

Eleventh Virtual Tuesday with double faced 1 and amague (deception act) for leaders followed by Hernan B-day Drink on Friday the 29th at 7:30pm! Schedule for Tuesday is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #10 (05/19/2020)

Does Tenth Virtual Tuesday counts as Anniversary?!? 'Casa' by Cerati in a bit crazy combination with paseo, boleo-gancho-boleo, back sacada, side sacada and some other few details... Schedule is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #9 (05/12/2020)

Ninth Virtual Tuesday! Continues system changes through looped crosses!!! Schedule is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours… DON’T MISS 4 VIRTUAL MUSICALITY WORKSHOPS WITH JOAQUIN AMENABAR!

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Virtual Tuesday #8 (05/05/2020)

Eight Virtual Tuesday! No ochos on Ocho Tuesday - diving into alterations and back sacada instead! Schedule is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #7 (04/28/2020)

Seventh Virtual Tuesday already! Hernan in 007 James Bond mood and… “feeling good’. Tuesday schedule is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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Virtual Tuesday #6 (04/21/2020)

Sixth Virtual Tuesday already! Based on your feedback Tuesday schedule is as follow: Virtual Short Sequences (at 7:30pm) and Virtual Solo Exercises (at 8:30pm). Classy Heels are available as a pre-recorded youtube video for your solo workout at home. Virtual Drinks - this coming Sunday 04/26 at 6pm. Join for free, watch for free as many times as you need, donate please if your situation is better than ours…

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5 Beginning Tips For Tango

Dancing lessons are a great way for kids in to learn coordination, cooperation, and how to have a good time in a social setting. Knowing how to tango might not come up every day in their adult lives, but it can come in handy on some of the most important days of their lives. However, everyone has to start somewhere, and your kids will have to master the basics before they can move on to more advanced skills. These basics can apply to any dancing style, and they can even become life lessons your kids can apply throughout their lives.

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