Why Don’t People Smile While Dancing Tango?
Smiling is an expression that has always been associated with kindness, positivity and happiness.
Some of the life gurus in and out of the internet space have been advocating to “start a day with a smile” as it unconsciously manifests a good day ahead.
There have also been numerous studies that prove the health benefits of smiling. Some of which are:
it boosts the immune system; it has the ability to lower the blood pressure; it reduces stress; as well as reduces pain.
Smiling is also a contagious expression. It can help lighten the mood and can replace a person’s sour mood. The children are the best example for such an instance. Notice how one smile from a child can automatically gain him/her an instant friendship within her age group range. Likewise, when a child smiles at an adult, it sends off a vibe of genuinity and joyful radiance. Thus giving us an eye view of a child’s hopeful perception of the world.
However, more often than not, when a person reaches a certain age, smiling can mean otherwise.
The genuinity, positivity, hope and happiness associated with smiling has been replaced with etiquette, politeness and necessity.
Some people smile because they are trained to do so. Take a salesperson for instance. Smiling is a necessity for their job as it is a way of showing a pleasing personality that makes them look more approachable and entertaining to their clients. The kinder they look, the more that they can attract potential customers.
Some people, on the other hand, grace photos with a smile. Because photos are a way of preserving memories that can easily be shared across social media platforms, people smiling in it is a sure way of making them look good and attractive.
However, smiling has also been used as a mask to portray to the world that we’re happy and living the best life despite experiencing the opposite.
We often see this in young adults who are feeling lost. It is their way of reassuring their loved ones that they are fine even though they really are not.
NOT smiling, on the other hand, can impart an idea of sternness as well as seriousness.
Most of the time we see this in formal events such as in-depth business meetings, academic exams, and solemn mass. Additionally, on the artistic side we can also see this on the classic masterpieces of renowned painters and also on contemporary dances. Notice how this kind of art often foregos smiling.
Photo by cottonbro: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-and-woman-sitting-on-floor-6896323/
Modern dances, however, train their dancers to smile. To show happiness and enjoyment while doing the dance. Despite this, there are some dances that although are not restricted to smiling, most of its dancers are seen otherwise. Performances can often be seen with long faces, often stern and focused. Although there are a few who do smile, the majority don’t. One example of this is the Argentine Tango dance.
Argentine Tango can be a very intimidating dance to begin with. It has technicalities, level of difficulty, sensuality, and complexity that stand above and beyond other dances.
It has gained a reputation of being a dance of seduction. That is why, one may observe that tango dancers often portray a facial reaction of seriousness, strictness and sensuality.
Unlike many dances that teach people to smile towards the audience, why is tango doing the opposite? Why don’t people smile while dancing tango? Is there a reason behind such practice?
Why do people dance Tango?
Before embarking on the reasons behind the long faces of the tango dancers, let’s start with some reasons why most people enjoy tango dancing.
A lot of people have misconceptions about tango being danced to seduce and attract potential lifetime-partners.
It has been often portrayed in movies as a prerequisite to a hot night thus gaining a reputation of being a risque dance. However,
the reality is that tango offers a variety of learning and entertainment.
Some of the reasons are:
Tango is a different kind of fun
The fun that comes from discovering oneself, understanding the other, analyzing the structure of the dance, and learning to hear the music in its full complexity, not just the metronomic beat.
The fun that knows no boundaries - no limitations. You can dance tango no matter the age, the skin color, or the weight.
It is a fun and interactive activity even though at some point you will realize that the learning never ends and you will never fully master it.
Yes, it might look complicated and difficult and it is. But the search for perfection is one of Tango Secrets!
Tango dancing offers many physical, emotional and mental benefits that can heal a person.
Tango dancing is not only a fun activity, it can also be a key in breaking a couple’s monotonous cycle in the relationship.
It provides different kinds of entertainment as well as the opportunity to know your partner on a deeper level.
Tango asks for deeper relationships
One would expect that when you enter a tango community, you would never feel alone again. That the people dancing tango help one another as they build a stronger relationship through the same interest. You would think that tango automatically gives you a healthy and fun social life that can offer you great friendship, and sometimes, potential love of your life. You are WRONG!
Tango has an embedded very strong potential to foster all those dreams. Yet - you are still the key figure.
If you are an introvert - Tango will help you by creating favorable circumstances to fuel your energy needs, yet you still have to do the work.
Nothing happens automatically like magic. You will need to work hard for it but know that your efforts are not in vain. Just like the complicated steps in tango, learning to open up to other people through the dance bit by bit will make it easier to get used to. It can slowly build your confidence in communicating with other people and your overall self-esteem.
Tango dancing fosters connection
With the tango embrace, it is very common for a tango dancer to start experiencing the feeling of finding yourself through learning, dancing, and embracing other human beings.
This sensation eventually solidifies into a connection. Connection is one of the greatest aspects of dance, creating a mutual understanding through use of body language and non-verbal communication.. It allows people to feel the moment and not overthink the future.
Connection is an essential key into realizing that we are never alone in this journey. That there are people just like us who want to establish friendship through the same interest, tango.
Tango rejects no one
Generally, tango has been perceived as a sexy dance but the root of such dance came from the desire of the lonely people for belongingness.
Tango does not limit itself to society standards because it created its own.
It was once a dance that accepts every heartbreak, despair, and sorrow. And to put it in a box of sensual dance is an insult to the dance itself.
Tango accepts everyone whether you are happy, sad, confused, heartbroken or anything you might have been feeling. It welcomes you with open arms.
Why don’t they smile?
If tango denotes positive outcomes, why then do tango dancers be seen otherwise? If they are really happy, why don’t they smile? Did they agree on the seriousness aspect before the dance? Is it a general rule to not smile? Won’t they take you seriously if you perhaps manage to crack one while dancing? What is the real reason behind this?
Tango is a dance that does not force you to smile.
It allows you to be just you. It takes you in - in whatever mood you arrive. Tango does not care about whatever you are showing on the outside.
Tango does not care about whatever you are showing on the outside. Tango focuses internally - the outward expression such as your smile and joy can remain unexposed.
You can be happy without forcing yourself to show it to others.
Tango is improvised and thus requires focus.
Tango, unlike any other dances, requires focus and presence of mind. It is a dance that relies on improvisation and adaptability.
It’s like navigating through the final stages of the business negotiations. You know what to expect, yet anything can happen. Many people tend to focus more on the technical aspects of the dance as it is one of their joys of showing the skill they’ve been building for a long period of time.
Laughter is your shield
We often laugh or respond with laughter when we try to lighten the mood, trivialize or belittle the problem. It allows an easy escape that releases from addressing the issue.
The Tango asks for your full attention. If you allow it in, it will generate the joy of understanding you had never experienced before. It will also teach you how to face constructive criticisms that would benefit you and your tango dancing. The more you know, the more you can enjoy the dance. The more you enjoy, the more the natural inclination to smile while performing the dance.
They are smiling!
The euphoria is hidden inside. Behind the seriousness of an expression.
The joy felt by a tango dancer after executing the perfect ocho cortado or boleos, a proud moment especially for a beginner, differs from the one that can not be expressed through the outward appearance.
The joy radiates from within. It comes from the pleasure of discovery, awareness of other people's feelings, of becoming united with the partner and the music.
Additionally, you will see their smiles after the tanda. You will see its effect on their lives after a milonga night.
Tango is a serious business
Tango requires patience and analytical thinking. It may look easy and fluid for an audience’s point of view but the actual dancing itself requires concentration and precision.
In a crowded milonga a tango dancer has to be precise and thoughtful collaborating with the partner and all the other couples within the Ronda.
The dance steps the couple is about to execute should be carefully planned to avoid accidents and not harm or disturb other dancers' space. Thus, fancy embellishments should be properly executed.
Tango is an accomplishment
A lot of tango dancers take years and years of practice and dance lessons to be able to feel proficient in their tango dancing skill. The seriousness they show can simply mean that they take tango as a big accomplishment.
Moreover, tango is not an easy feat. To be able to feel confident and perform the dance without hurting yourself or the other dancers is a proud moment to a dancer - beginner and professional alike.
Do not be intimidated by facial expressions!
Tango is not an easy dance. It requires patience, time and dedication.
As they say, “practice makes perfect”. You may never find perfection in tango as it offers a different kind of experience every time, but the hard work and dedication you put in will be shown as you progress through the dance.
That is why whenever you see a person dancing tango with his utmost concentration and seriousness etched on his face, that means he or she is taking tango to a highest form of art.
He is offering all his being to perform, notwithstanding the outward appearance shown on his face. Look at his movements and gestures because that is where he truly shines.
Do not be intimidated by facial expressions! As the saying goes, “Do not judge a book by its cover”, so you must not judge a dancer’s emotion based on his facial expression.
After all,
the real joy of dancing tango radiates not from the outward but from the sense of fulfillment on the inside.
The real joy of tango can only be felt by the person doing it, the person who dedicates his all into finding the essence of it and the person who is willing to take the risk to try.