Femme Fatale and Tango
Lou Reed's song "Femme Fatale" best describes how people perceive femme fatale. According to his lyrics, you better watch out when she (the femme fatale) comes because she will break your heart. She uses her physical appearance and sex appeal to please you and make you a fool in the end.
Do you want to be dominant and lead without being labeled as a femme fatale? Try Argentine Tango. It is a sensual and complex dance where you can show the world your femininity. You do not have to convince people of your capabilities with tricks and non-sensible ways. Dance the tango and leave them stunned while you are discovering that leading comes with many faces.
Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev
The concept of Femme fatale flourished in a contemporary pop culture becoming a semi-representation of self-liberating women and gaining power within a male-dominated society. Controlling her own sexuality, she threatens the status quo of many men. She even uses sex as a tool to control men to gain control in the world of men.
Being a femme fatale nowadays means using femininity to be freed from a traditional misconception of being a woman. Since women's rights were not recognized before, many women have stood up, leading them to be labeled as having dangerous and out of the ordinary behavior.
Femme fatale may come from a negative notion, but it influenced how society came to accept a woman's more liberated version. Nowadays, modern women are now involved in culture, politics, and jobs rather than being "sex objects." Although there are still people who oppose women's new roles, most people now accept female leadership or simply a presence in many areas before dominated exclusively by men.
Photo: Milonga at Ultimate Tango School of Dance
A power of Follower
A great example of femme-fatalism is the following in Tango, the dance that from first sight looks and sounds like a macho activity. We have a Leader - usually a man and a Follower - usually a woman. And as the name implies - one shall lead and one shall follow. But do not get fooled. The implication is far withdrawn from the truth.
Machismo translates ins sexism and is defined as a strong sense of masculine pride. ... Some of the more commonly known negative aspects of machismo are aggressiveness, physical strength, emotional insensitivity, and womanizing. But what if we define machismo, not as sexism but as masculinity. The compliment of femininity. Then - we get what Tango aims for - the ultimate mix of two strengths. The yin and yang.
In Ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang is a concept of dualism, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.
Female leaders and lead exchange phenomenon
Throughout the years, both men and women have claimed their independence and autonomy not only in society but in Tango as well. They discovered that they can play with various identities based on their desires. Tango is now both a form of philosophy in life and art. Men and women can dance freely without the concept of using Tango to lure or deceive a person.
But first things first. Regardless on which side you are starting - as a Leader or as a Follower - master your part to the level of comfort. To the point that you are capable of going to the Milonga and actually dance. No fancy steps are necessary, but the conversational level of tango is a must.
Dancing both roles is actually very beneficial. As a leader who also follows, you are able to judge better your lead. Since you know how it feels when the leader selfishly executes the steps but does not take into consideration the whole couple. As a Follower who also leads, by familiarizing yourself with the structure of the dance, secrets of the trade, the meaning of torsions, various delays, mechanics, and simple necessities that make various steps work - you become better at reading the lead since now is two-way communication. By understanding - you become more sensitive. As they say - if you do not know what you are looking for - you cannot find it.
By having a better understanding of the other side we can time the adornos better - from the leader’s perspective - allowing the time, from the follower’s point of view - fitting within the leader’s time, since now you know exactly what it is.
Then comes the lead exchange that can also be done in many ways:
1. Lead exchange, where you are changing the embrace, making it obvious who leads now.
2. Back-leading - a super annoying version, that guarantees you zero dances in the near future
3. Conversational lead, where, by settle movements, let’s call them meaningful signals, you suggest the next move, influence the direction, proposing what’s gonna happen next. The highest form of improvised tango, where we both become creators.
4. Permanent role change - you are exclusively dancing in the role opposite to the one traditionally assigned to your gender. Simply be good at it.
What Is a Femme Fatale?
From a typical point of view, a man can be compromised into dangerous situations because a woman led him with a tremendous seductive charm that’s considered dark and disturbing. Thus, this woman is labeled as a femme fatale.
A femme fatale uses exploitation and entrapment, which are associated with hunting and animalistic tendencies. For instance, a hungry plant known as the Venus flytrap is described as a femme fatale because of their similar characteristics; they both hunger for deceiving, hunting, and consuming their prey.
In short, a sexy woman who makes a man do bad things is the most common description of a femme fatale or fatal woman.
Famous Femme Fatale Personalities
Femme fatales became popular in hard-boiled detective stories and classic film noir. These films describe a fast-talking and seductive woman luring a man into a trap of his own making. The result is that the man has committed a crime he may never have done without the woman's lure. Let’s have a look at some famous women labeled as femme fatale:
"Bettie Page set the world on fire in the 1950s, and her influence still burns throughout American culture today!" said Dynamite CEO and Publisher Nick Barrucci in a press release.
Bettie Page
Bettie Page is known as the "Queen of Pinups." She is one of the earliest pin-up models in the 1950s for Playboy magazine’s "Playmates of the Month." Because of her sadomasochistic and fetish modeling, she became the first famous model. Moreover, she gained status as an erotica icon in the 1950s.
Page said in an interview that she never thought her career was shameful — just normal. She also said that she should have that career rather than the typical, monotonous typing jobs women were into during those times. She was known as scandalous or femme fatale during that time because of the nature of her work.
“The charm of her presence was irresistible and there was an attraction in her person and her talk, together with a peculiar force of character which pervaded her every word and action, and laid all who associated with her under its spell. It was a delight merely to hear the sound of her voice, with which, like an instrument of many strings, she could pass from one language to another…” Plutarch, Antony 27,1 - from: Why do Some Call Cleopatra Ugly? Was She?
Cleopatra VII Philopator
In history, Cleopatra of Egypt is one of the most famous female rulers in the world.
Aside from being iconic, she is also known as dynamic in every possible way. For instance, she was so eager to take advantage of Julius Caesar that she secretly smuggled herself into his palace. Then, nine months later, she gave birth to Ptolemy Caesar. As a result, Caesar supported Cleopatra and did not continue to annex Egypt. When he was assassinated, Cleopatra opposed Augustus, Caesar's heir.
She also aligned with Mark Antony and bore twins from him. However, their tragic ending came when Antony lost to Augustus. He committed suicide, and Cleopatra followed suit. Thus, making Cleopatra one of the most famous femme fatales in ancient history.
Ann Savage Of "Detour"
Ann Savage is known as Vera in the film "Detour." Her character is unpredictable, direct, and firm, making her a dangerous woman in that era.
In the movie, she has the upper hand over Tom Neal, acting as the protagonist Al. He is stuck between a dead man's identity and a lie. Vera uses this to manipulate him, and her words become a tightening noose around his neck. As a result, Vera became Al's existential nightmare.
Rita Hayworth As “Gilda”
The movie "Gilda" depicts a strong woman during WWII. In this movie, Gilda is overshadowed by vindictive men, so she uses her sexuality to get her way.
Jane Greer As "Kathie"
‘The femme fatale, and all the men she leaves ruined in her wake, has become a staple of the cultural consciousness largely through film noir. She is the definition of lethal sex appeal: sexy, predatory, ruthlessly amoral; we cannot take our eyes off her, to our infinite trouble’ writes Wess Haubrich in Out of the Past (’47) at 70: A Searing, Seminal Study of the Femme Fatale
In the movie "Out of the Past," Kathie is a ruthless woman when her back is against the wall. This is a reactionary characteristic to carry out her schemes.
Most know her as a soft-spoken, innocent woman whom every man wants, but no one can have. According to her, it's the beliefs of men over innocence that justifies her conniving actions.
Anna Karenina
In his article Predicament of Female in Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina, Veena Vijaya gets to the following conclusion:
Social conditions decide most of their (Femme Fetales) actions where men are not victimized for adulterous actions although they are equal partners in this sinful act. It is the woman who is always labeled as corrupt, immoral, and outcast. How they end up their life is also shown as a righteous way to end their life. However, it is the society that pushes the women to act in a challenging way, as they are prevented from enjoying the pleasures of life, that are taken for granted by men.
The Truth Behind Femme Fatale
When a woman becomes known to be a femme fatale, it does not mean she is pure evil. Unbeknownst to many, most women considered femme fatales have stories behind why they became such. Or what circumstances forced them into the archetype.
When analyzed, experts can see that behind the femme fatale character lies an abused woman. ‘One visit for every key’ - says George in The piano (1993)
Sexual Violence
History shows that women are considered sexual objects by men. Sexual abuse or violence against women was the norm centuries ago, where it was believed that a woman should comply with a man in a patriarchal setting. Thus, most women were sexually abused.
As a result, a woman lures a man to do things according to her preferences. Since men are sexually weak, given no other choice women use their sexuality instead of being forced into it. In exchange, she can control a man using his desires towards her.
Overpowering Men?
Besides experience, another factor that results in a woman becoming labeled as a femme fatale is man's misconception about women.
Centuries ago, women were to be followers, domestic, and meek. They did not have a say in the world of men. At home, a woman should do chores, and take care of her children and husband's needs. In short, a woman should not be working outside the home.
When a woman becomes dynamic and does something out of the ordinary, she is deemed scandalous or femme fatale. Bettie Page was deemed as scandalous for being a model in Playboy magazines. For her, she did it because she enjoyed it more than the typical typewriting jobs — but for society, it was simply against the rules. Thus, deifining her as femme fatale.
The fear of women leaving the domestic sphere may also be why they call women femme fatales, especially if a woman can do something equally well or better than a man. This poses a danger to men who think that they should be higher species than women. But are they, actually thinking that or are we all the victims of the heritage we are born with.
One thing needs to be realized - as women born within the last decades we are extremely lucky! Given that the women rights (voting, choosing her life partner, working, being independent, having a bank account and own money, birth control, ability to study) are, from a historic perspective, fairly new achievements – in a sense, it is not surprising that women were using various tactics of manipulation (often through their sex-appeal) to somehow steer the situation to be more favorable towards what they wished and hoped for.
Nowadays though, femininity and masculinity can be rediscovered, redefined, projected openly, and even emphasized to simply make the world a better and more beautiful place.
Tango opens the mind of both genders. Encourages women to reveal their femininity, simply be who they are, but also teaches the male brain to see it for what it is – a feature, a characteristic, which does not equal luring invitation or deception.
He and her, not her and him
Historically, tango is dominated by a male dancer. When the couple is introduced it is always the male dancer's name that goes first. The only exception that comes to my mind is Anna Padron and Diego Blanco. Somehow they got to be known in that order.
One can treat this as an ancient custom, which, as a historic heritage, is simply followed and respected without being questioned. But we’ve already seen that it is the continuous challenging of the status quo that makes the world move forward.
One sees what one wants to see - scrutinizing Tango lyrics
Tango became popular during the 1700s and 1800s, where it came from the confluence of European immigrants' traditions and rhythms in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Catholic Church and elites formerly dismissed the dance because they saw it as obscene. Despite this, in the 1900s, it became popular. The lyrics of many tango classics are demeaning for women. They depicted women as unfaithful and deserving of physical violence or murder.
With the rise of the so-called "femme fatale" who wants to be freed from men's manipulation and dynasty, many women have scrutinized tango lyrics for subjugating women. In the modern world, this femme fatale stereotyping has become the people behind the feminist movement. These are women who stand for women's rights. That’s. a good thing.
What captures my attention though is that when one is searching for something to the point of obsessions - most likely everything seems to be a trace. What one is looking for appears everywhere.
Take this song: “El Encopao” / "The Drunk "
The word “copa” means “cup”, so “El Encopao” is a man who takes too many cups… a drunk. It’s about someone who has given up; someone who doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. Rodriguez’ orchestra begins with the melody, using the piano to mark the compás. The bandoneons and strings play around the piano’s strong cadence, which should help you get warmed up and solidly into the music with your partner. Then Moreno begins in a voice that sounds almost like a cry of pain—a lost man, sitting alone with his alcohol:
They say I’m the "Man of the Bottle"...
those who don’t know
what happened to me.
They look at me like I’m nobody...
but they can say what they say.
It doesn’t matter to me!
They call me the "Man of the Bottle…
someone who has lost his honor.
They don’t think that someone who kills
his rage with drink
has his reasons.
It makes no difference to her
that I live like this.
I’m always in this
corner bar
that no longer seems nice,
since she forgot me.
It makes no difference to her
that I live like this…
dizzy from drinks and memories,
night and day,
day and night, for the love of my life.
Me dicen "El Encopao"...
los que no saben
lo que me ha pasa'o.
Y me ven hecho un cualquiera...
que digan lo que digan.
¡Que ya no me hacen mella!
Me llaman "El Encopao"...
como si el que anda así pierde el honor
Y no piensan que el que mata
su rabia entre copas
tiene su razon.
Total que le importa a ella
que viva como yo vivo.
Metido siempre en el boliche de esa esquina
que ha dejao de ser tan linda
por su olvido.
Total, que le importa a ella
que viva como yo vivo...
mareao de caña y de recuerdos,
noche y dia,
dia y noche, por su vida que es mi amor.
So… is the women, who he is singing to, a Femme Fatale?
Femme Fatale or not, Consider Learning Argentine Tango
You do not need to be a femme fatale to become a powerful or strong woman. There are many ways to show the world of your femininity and the strength that accompanies it. One of these ways is dancing the tango. Since you can be assertive on the dance floor, you can follow or lead the dance while showing the world your uniqueness as a woman.
Dancing is an art, and dancing tango is a rare art. When you learn the Tango, you can say a lot with your body language. Tango will empower you by granting you ways to showcase your passion and dedication and allowing you to master the language of subtle clues and well-stated puns. START NOW!